The birth of the vision for the Braided Women’s Gatherings came about after a stunning series of women’s circles, with some powerful connecting and healing, that happened at Convergence over New Year 2013-2014.

I felt the hunger of women for more safe gatherings, and the insufficiency of what we had to offer there, and talking with the wonderful Annie Helm, who had co-facilitated with me, it was obvious that there was a lot more we could do. I also experienced the holding of some wonderful strong women, who came unasked, and supported the unfolding of what was happening.

Having been involved for over 40 years in working with women through trainings, workshops, retreats and ritual groups , I know and respect the power of women coming together to connect, share and support one another. I am also aware that sharing in circle can be part of the healing of many.

The global rise of the feminine energy is bringing a new understanding of the patriarchal blindness that has oppressed and disempowered women, and therefore also men and our societies, for so long. All of this fueled the inspiration for a large women’s gathering in New Zealand, with the theme of exploring and living the Divine Feminine together.

So the vision grew……..and came to life, as some key women were drawn in, first to be part of the CAULDREN GROUP, which morphed and changed as more women came forward and some moved on, into the current CREATION GROUP.

This event, or series of events, would “echo through time”, backwards to our ancestors, and existing groups, and forwards to inspire the creation of new connections, networks and support circles afterwards, and also outwards to link with circles of women in other parts of the world.

It would give a focus for new sister groups to become established, and be there for women to find on-going support and sisterhood afterwards.

These events would draw from, but have no particular association with existing spiritual or cultural traditions, and would be open and respecting of all. It would honour the particular cycles, stages and gifts of Woman, including girls entering menarche and just beginning their journey into womanhood, and elder women entering the mystical time of the Crone.

They would offer the opportunity for learning, sharing and contributing, for deep healing as well as relaxation, friendship, fun and celebration.
We are all part of a massive worldwide rebalancing of male and female energies at this time, so why not come together and make a conscious contribution?

Come and join us!

With love and blessings
Anne Gregory
I would like to honor all the women, too numerous to name, who, in many different ways, have been part of the birth, growth and ongoing life of Braided Women Gathering, and those who will be part of its future