Our Story ~ 2020


Events offered throughout the year 2020

As the whole world was thrown into chaos and then lockdown during 2020 due to the Covid 19 pandemic, so was the Creation Group of the Braided Women Gathering Trust. At least for the first quarter of the year, we had to resort to Zoom meetings and What’s App conversations to keep the fire burning, all the while not knowing if we would be able to offer our two main events planned for that year.


Thankfully, living in New Zealand came as a blessing and allowed us to invite women to our Winter Solstice Ritual on the 21st of June 2020.

NZ was just out of lockdown and everyone was longing to get out and be together in person especially with kindred souls who were equally keen to celebrate the Solstice.

The Winter Solstice celebration was held at the Pascha Centre in Christchurch and to our amazement, 33 women attended. It was a beautiful, deep and emotionally rich time together, most likely enhanced through the circumstances connected to the Covid 19 situation. The Creation Group received great feedback and felt assured that such an offering was very much needed to keep the spirit and sense of community among women of our city alive.


Despite uncertain times, the Creation Group kept its focus on their main annual event which, like the years before, was held at the Staveley Campsite in Canterbury from 13th to 17th of November 20.

The theme for this gathering was: “ Stepping into Change “ which felt like the next best step from gathering up our “Courage” at the event during 2019.
A total number of 59 women answered the call and attended this event, taking part in sharing circles, talks in big and small group settings, as well as enjoying fun and creative activities and of course beautifullyprepared meals together.

We had invited 7 “mature” women, grandmothers and wisdom keepers also referred to as “Crones” who were sharing their life experiences around initiating changes in their lives and the resources they pulled on when living through challenging times.
These open and heartfelt life stories were matched by equally brave and deep sharings from the women who had listened. A very rich experience!

For the first time the main ritual on Saturday night was held outside in the nearby Beech Forrest and this provided a new and magical experience for most of us. Leaving behind what holds us back (painted on a rock and released into a basket or onto the mossy Forest ground) we each stepped forward and announced the changes we wanted to manifest in our lives. A very profound moment in time. Of course, we could not complete the night without music and dance!

On Sunday we shared in circles and integrated the experiences from the ritual and acknowledged the presence of each other, truly appreciating such a community of women who support each other in making life-changing and significant decisions, stepping forward.

As usual, the Gathering was closed with song and dance and lots of spoken appreciation and gratitude!

Feedback forms are collected and evaluated by the Creation Group after each event.

Again, we were supported by our wonderful two cooks and kitchen crew who provided great daily meals plus a group of helpers around the camp who kept the focus on all the necessary practical aspects of the Gathering. We are aware that these amazing and generous women are vital for the smooth running of an event of this scale.

Dawn Maley attended a Not for Profit Administration and Management course at Hagley Community College in her capacity as the treasurer of the Braided Women Gathering Trust. It proved to be a valuable investment in time and money to increase her knowledge and skills in her role. This has guided me to help with applying for grants and funding applications to help support the work we do. As part of the course, Dawn got to review our constitution which lead us to make some changes and update it. The connections made throughout the course, with other not for profit groups, has proved worthwhile. An example of this was the podcast Dawn was involved in, allowing us to reach the wider community. The link to the podcast is Here.

Amazingly, and very much against the odds and obstacles of a scary pandemic, the Braided Woman’s Gathering Trust ended the year of 2020 with a satisfying sense of achievement that arrived through the feedback provided by women who attended both events.
Most of all, we feel immensely rewarded by seeing women supporting each other, forming sharing circles in their communities, offering ritual and workshop spaces and generally weaving a network that gets stronger year after year.

This has been our story of the year 2020

The Creation Group of the Braided Women Gathering Trust
Nilguen Kulpe