Our Story ~ 2021-2022

The Braided Women Gathering Trust 2021-2022

Events offered throughout the year of 2021 and in June 2022

The world was still holding its breath during most of 2021 due to the pandemic and interesting new variations of the COVID virus creating fear and limitations. Despite this uncertainty the Creation Group was determined to offer another of their gatherings for women!

Braided Women gathering Planning day on March 6th 2021

Six of the members of the creation group gathered for a day to conceive via visualization, creative expression and discussion the theme for their next planned Gathering in November 21.
We agreed astonishingly quickly and announced that it would be called: “ In the heart of the Goddess “ And with this “ birth “ our new focus was clear and the preparation work began.

The Braided Women Gathering Event, November 2021

Again, like the year before the Creation Group decided to go ahead with their main annual event in spite of continuous challenges and uncertainties due to COVID.
The Gathering was held at the Staveley campsite in Canterbury from 12th to 14th of November 21
This time we were joined by 57 women attending the gathering being drawn to the invitation to experience sitting in the “Heart of the Goddess “ with many familiar and some new faces.
Every year we follow a similar structure of the event but with different themes , emphasis and activities.

At the beginning it’s important that every woman feels warmly welcomed and safe in a space with so many others, especially when taking part in our sharing circles, smaller and bigger discussion groups, creative activities and in particular the main ritual on the Saturday.
We always delight when we see women happily greeting each other in our circle dances and sharing open heartedly or having lot’s of fun during meal and free times.
During the main ritual each woman was placed on a chair in the Heart of the Goddess which was laid out in the form of a large heart shaped centre piece created with fabrics, flowers and candles. Every one had a special moment to receive the gifts of the Goddess sung to her by the whole group accompanied by the song “ I am a Gift “ by Karen Drucker; a true honouring and celebration of the feminine in each of us. After the ritual we enjoyed music, dancing and a sumptuous supper.

On Sunday we completed the theme part of the gathering with a big sharing circle asking the women to share their stories of being in “ The heart of the Goddess”, followed by the closing ceremony. At the end, women exchanged beautiful and soulful words written on a heart shaped piece of paper and given to their secretly chosen woman.
The community of women leaving us with full hearts, a sense of self worth and well being, with new learning’s, connections and as we hope renewed energy to bring their gifts into the world!

Throughout this event we were beautifully nourished by our fantastic cooks and the kitchen crew as well as superbly supported on all levels by our amazing group of volunteers.
As always feedback forms were collected and evaluated by the Creation Group giving us the opportunity to review, improve and identify what has been “ right on target “ in terms of our goals.

The Winter Solstice Celebration 2021

We decided to offer our community of women in and around Christchurch the opportunity to attend a Winter Solstice Ritual on 20th of June 21.
As the weather turned into a very unfriendly, cold and stormy condition we were surprised to see 35 women coming through our doors, shaking of the rain!
We had decorated the room at Avebury House in Christchurch with fairy lights, candles and a beautiful centre piece; women were immediately drawn into stillness and wonder.
The experience of embracing stillness, sitting in circle, listening in to what our souls/hearts were whispering, carried through ancient times from our ancestors.
Our stillness meditation was enhanced through truly heart stirring, soulful music and followed by a sharing circle.
We concluded the winter solstice celebration with nourishing food and a cuppa.
Again, the Creation Group had received wonderful feedback from many women who had come to these events in 2021-22 and this gives us all the encouragement and energy we need to plan our next Braided Women Gathering event in November 22.

And this has been our story so far…

The Creation Group of The Braided Women Gathering Trust

Nilguen Kulpe

