Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not answered below please feel free to contact us.

Please send us an email through the contact page on our website.  We’ll then send you a registration form which includes our bank account details for payment. 

Yes. Please contact us so we can make arrangements for you. The ticket will need to be paid in full before the start of the Gathering. 

We have a Sisterhood Sponsorship Fund available to support women financially to attend. Please send us an email with a brief outline of your situation and needs, and we’ll be in touch to see how we can support you to attend the Gathering.  

We try to send an acknowledgement of payments, sometimes there may be a delay. We will be in touch with the final details and practicalities including maps etc the last week of October. 

Please contact us if for any reason you are uncertain about your registration or payments.  


From a practical perspective, we provide accommodation either in a bunk room or space for camping; great (hired) caterers who bless us with delicious nutritious vegetarian/vegan lunches and dinners; and the wonderful event itself. We are a registered Charitable trust so we work hard to keep the costs to a minimum while covering the expenses. 

Please refer to our refund policy (on our website). Once the event has started we are unable to offer any refunds as expenses will have already been incurred. 

Please refer to question 6, and our refund policy on our website. 

As a starting point, our meals are all vegetarian.  We are really committed to supporting special dietary requirements as much as practicable, and to date our fabulous cooks have not let us down.  Please let us know your needs and we will do our utmost to support them. 

Yes. There is access to chiller and cool-store space for food for participants to use throughout the Gathering. 


Like most bunkroom accommodation, the rooms at Staveley are fairly simple. Each dorm sleeps 12 however we try to have a maximum of 6 per room to provide space and privacy. We encourage women to embellish and decorate their bunkrooms to help transform them into joyful, delightful spaces. 

Within the Creation Group, we each adopt various areas of responsibility. We’ll outline these at the start of the Gathering. If you have a question or issue you need help with at any time throughout the Gathering, please feel free to talk to any of the Creation Group. We can then help redirect you to the best person to help with your question. 

As the Creation Group, we do all we can to provide a safe, respectful, honouring space for ALL women. While many of us have backgrounds as therapists, counsellors and healers, this is not our primary role at the Gathering. Our primary role is to create and deliver a programme that supports us all to connect with and celebrate the sacred feminine together, and nourishes and delights the women who attend.  

However, we know gatherings like ours are inherently powerful. We ask that you look after your own precious Self and take responsibility for your own wellbeing needs. We will provide open listening, loving support and hugs. If you feel the Creation Group could support you differently or you have a suggestion for change, then please come and discuss it with us discreetly outside of the circle. 

Please also see Questions 12 and 14.  We encourage every woman to do what she needs to support her own wellbeing throughout the Gathering, whether that be some quiet time in your own sleeping space, in the lovely spaces outside, or a walk in the forest itself. However, we do ask that you be present at both the Opening and Closing ceremonies. Also please note that if there are strong winds at the time of the Gathering, access to the forest is prohibited for safety reasons.  We’ll keep you informed about forest access throughout the Gathering. 

 We have discussed this many times over the years, and each time we have come back to the same guiding principle: the creation of a safe and sacred space for women to share their journey openly, fully, and without reservation or hesitation.Such spaces are not always available for women outside of gatherings like ours. We believe that if girls under 18 attend the Gathering, older women may not feel safe or comfortable to share deeply and openly in circle.  

We’re really aware that there are many young women who could well handle the depth of sharing in circle, and indeed may even benefit in some way. However, our primary focus is to provide safe spaces for Women to share openly and safely. Our experience and the feedback we have received supports this well. 

While we would love to able to support mothers with young children/toddlers to attend we are unable to do this.  The campground at Staveley is just not young child/toddler proof.  There are many natural hazards on the campground including the bush area and river and the campground is not fully fenced.  We believe attending the gathering with your small child/toddler would take away the richness of your experience of the gathering

Baby attending:

We are happy to have a conversation with any new mothers around this on an individual basis so please contact us.  One of things we do encourage is that you bring a support women to help so you can fully participate in the gathering – we would offer a discounted rate for the support person to attend.

This is time for you to fill your cup.  Your family will thank you for it when you return home relaxed and refreshed.

Every woman’s presence at the Gathering is precious and makes it special. We therefore ask that you offer your presence on-site for the whole weekend. 

While most activities are completely optional, we consider the opening and closing ceremonies to be essential to the creation and holding of the sacred energy of the Gathering that supports us all.

Refer to question 15. While the young woman herself may be able to handle the depth of sharing in circle, we believe that with younger women there, the older women may not feel safe to share deeply. 

Yes, and we value ALL people who identify and live as women full time, and welcome them to attend our Gatherings.   

The main Stavely campgroud is accesible though has a large gravel carpark that is central.  If you have specific  questions please do not hesitate to contact us. has a great overview of the facilities. 

For smaller (usually winter) gatherings we often use Avebury house. We have a choice of upstairs or downstairs rooms to hire so if you are interested in coming but require wheelchair access please let us know.

Refusal Policy

The Braided Women Gathering trust is represented by the Creation Group members, as trustees, and as such, the Creation Group members are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of all women attending these private events.

The Trustees reserve the right to refuse attendance to individuals or groups. Any such refusal will be carefully considered and notified by email prior to the event. In case payment has already been made, a full refund would be granted.

The Trustees may decide during an event that the behaviour of individuals or groups is in their view inappropriate, and thus request those people to leave as soon as possible. In case any such decision is necessary, the Trustees will be guided by their concern for the safety and well being of all other attendees.