Meet the creation Group

Dawn Maley

I constantly see the importance of women sitting in circle, connecting with women, supporting each other. It is hard to explain this call, this need , this yearning so when the opportunity to join these wonderful creators arose I jumped wholeheartedly into the cauldron of creation. 

Women need to sit in circles, not because we need healing, for we are perfect as we are, but because we need replenishment. Women need to go deep. Sitting in circle nourishes the soul, the heart and the spirit. I feel seen, held and no longer alone in my feminine power when I sit in circle 

There is old ancient magick that is reawakened in a circle of women. 

Slowly it rises as you hear its call, that voice the whispers, slowly rising in volume till you can silence it no longer. That call to let go of the mantle forced upon us in so many ways. The magick is stirring can you hear it? 

There is old magick that is spoken in the circles of women. 

The Goddess hears our call as we sit, as we share, as we pour our words, our emotions, our angst into the circles, the cauldrons, the fires she hears us oh women she hears us. All the stories of pain, of anguish, of frustration are weaved into webs of love and support. Our secret depths ravaged, exposed and finally soothed. 

There is old magick that still exists in the circles of women 

It is here now, it is to be honoured, it is for the maiden, the mother, the transmuting women and the crone. It is yours. 

So come step into the circle with me. 

So who am I? I am a baby Crone, slowly & fully embracing this time of my life. I am the proud mother of 4 Queer adult children. I work full time for a charitable trust as a team leader. I am a Celebrant, so ritual and ceremony as important to me. I am also a qualified Massage Therapist and Clinical Aromatherapist. Recently I completed the facilitator training for Red Tent Aotearoa and am looking at bringing circles to North Canterbury.

Rochelle Montagne

I became a member of the creation group the year before our first event in 2016 because my mum was also a member.
Braided women events fill my cup and I feel honoured to be a apart of something that has such a profound and positive effect on people. My focus in the group is mainly technology but I also feel strongly about creating a safe space for lgbtqia+ identities and creating a safe space for anyone who considers themself a woman. 
The events never cease to amaze me at the power of woman coming together. I was lucky to have started in the group at only 23 years old and as I am now in my 30’s I truly feel the events and the woman have shaped me into the adult I am today. 
I am so happy that I chose to be a part of this beautiful group of women as I have been blown away by the support and love of women gathering together. I never knew such a thing existed in such a powerful capacity and I feel truly blessed that sitting in circle with women is something I have been able to experience and help create.

Sally Lawson

Speak gently, my darling 
And whisper your love to me 
That it might land gently 
in my very cells 
in my very bones 
Settling like magic 
Sparkling lightly in my eyes 
Gently shining in my very essence 
Resting lightly on my lips 
That I might draw it in 
with every breath 
And breathe it out 
with every haaaaaahhhhhhh 
That it might float around me 
Glittering in the sun 
That you and I are One. 
Speak gently to me, my darling 
And whisper your love to my heart 
That I may walk with every step 
Holding it tenderly and gently 
in my very Soul. 
For it is me, this love you speak, 
it is me. 
It is me

Sonya Yates


After being one of the regular support crew for the Braided Women gatherings, I am excited to now be a member of the Creation Group. 
I have always felt very strongly about women’s issues, women’s voices and women’s rights and I believe in the difference it can make to speak our truth and be lovingly heard by other women. To truly be heard and our story witnessed and held by other women as we sit in circle at these gatherings can be life changing! 
As women, I believe our voices are our power and together we are unstoppable, together we are more powerful then we can conceive and together we can change the world. 

Previous Members

Anne Gregory (Founder and Vision Holder)

Some call it the Feminine Principle, some say the Divine Feminine or the Sacred Feminine, sometimes it’s called the Power of Yin, the Great Mother or the Goddess, Gaia or Papatuanuku.
It has names in many languages, in many cultures, throughout history, all across the world. It echoes through time and space.
This power of many names, lives within every woman. It grows and blossoms and heals whenever women gather together in love and support.
I have experienced this so many times, I know it in my blood. This is why I have shared the vision of
this Braided Gathering with those precious ones who are midwifeing it now and bringing it to Life.
Why am I doing this? Because it’s my Calling!
Blessed Be
Anne Gregory

Nilguen Kulpe

I am excited to be welcomed into the creation group this year and feel blessed to be surrounded in circle by amazing and passionate women. 
I endeavor to bring my own unique strength to this group and am passionate about dancing in the divine feminine energy that is within us all. 
For me having the courage to stand in this energy and embrace myself and others has been a gradual process. I am blessed to have women my friends and family who have worked as mortal weavers supporting me to evolve and whispering their truths as unbreakable threads of meaning and depth along this path called life. 
I have come to understand that the world is woven, a creative web with the great pulse of life as its rhythm. 
Sitting in circle for me continues the thread of connection to this web and reflects all the myriad facets of the divine. 
I feel there is such an enormous need in our world for women to come together, sit in circle and share their life stories, their wisdom, laughter, tears and so much more. 
I consider this a basic need as we are tribal people and need each other. 
Therefore, I am willing to put my energy and heart into the birthing of a unique National Women’s Gathering which is so needed in NZ! 
It’s surely exciting to be part of the Creation Group to make it happen! 

We would also like to thank previous members; Annie Helm, Sharon Warren, Mandy Kiddie and Kerri Hirron for their invaluable input.