Protocols and Guidelines

Protocol for Braided Women Gatherings


The guidelines that have gradually evolved for our Gatherings, are based on respect: respect for the Sacredness that we create together, respect for the Earth, the environment, the energies that we draw in to support us, and for every woman present.

The Creation group has put a great deal of care into preparing this Gathering so that we all have a unique, inspiring and transformative experience. If you feel some change would be beneficial, please come and talk to us. Our intention is for every woman to feel supported and comfortable, and able to participate to whatever degree is right for her.
Braided Women’s Gatherings are 18+ for the reason we feel it is important that women not feel the need to censor themselves. Young women are of course valued but in the intention of creating a safe space for women we feel an 18+ age limit is beneficial to our group specifically. For other groups that include young women feel free to contact us and we can provide resources. 

With this in mind, we ask that:
~Confidentiality of participants be respected always
~What is shared during the Gathering, and particularly in Circle, is never discussed outside the Gathering without permission. You, of course are free to share your own experiences
~The sacredness of the gathering venue is honoured by the avoidance of recreational drugs and alcohol (where possible we will allocate an outside space for smokers)
~ Timing, by the nature of the Gathering, can be somewhat flexible, however we will use drums, gongs or bells as signals, so please be aware of them, so that you are on time for meals and sessions
~ There will be drums, gongs or bells at 15 and 5 minutes prior to starting meals or sessions, to indicate the time. For some sessions, we may need to close the doors to late comers, until an appropriate pause occurs.
~ We ask that, unless you are unwell, and have discussed this with the Creation Group, no bedding be brought into the Sacred Space for sessions, as this tends to encourage sleepiness, rather than respectful attentiveness to other’s sharings.
~Where possible we will provide a quiet space for resting, separate from the main hall

You offer your presence
Every woman’s presence at the Gathering is precious and makes it special. We therefore ask that you offer your presence on site for the whole weekend. While most activities are completely optional, we consider the opening and closing ceremonies to be essential to the creation and holding of the sacred energy of the Gathering that supports us all. If for any reason, this is not possible for you, please let us know in advance.
Women take responsibility for their own wellbeing.
Gatherings are inherently powerful. Please be sensitive to your own needs and wellbeing. We ask that you look after your precious Self. We will provide open listening, loving support and hugs. While we are not here in roles of therapists or counsellors, if you feel that the Creation Group could support you better, or you have a suggestion for change, then please come and discuss it with us.

The purpose of Braided Women Gatherings is to enable heart connections and inspiration, generate supportive networks, in New Zealand and world-wide, and encourage Spiritual empowerment…..also to have fun and eat chocolate!!!
Blessed Be.

Guidelines for sitting in sacred sharing circle

When we sit together in a sacred sharing circle, we have a centrepiece or altar, a decorated, usually round space on the ground in the middle, where we place symbols for the four Elements, and objects that are beautiful and sacred to us.

We aim to have just one row of women around the altar where possible, as we want to see each other and the centrepiece unhindered.

We enter the room in Silence with Awareness, find our spot (cushion/chair ) around the altar as quietly as possible, and become present, always being mindful that we are actually entering a Sacred Space.

Being on time and ready is important: It shows respect for others and for the Sacredness we create together. However, should you happen to come a little late, make sure you come into the room in silence and find your spot quietly.
There may be times when, if you are late, you find the door closed and you have to wait until a suitable time, when you can be ushered in.

We do not eat while we sit in a sacred circle space. It is important to be fully present and listen to the other women and to be ready to speak when it’s our turn. Some women find that doing some knitting or other quiet and unobtrusive craft work helps them be present. Sometimes, we might feel sleepy and want to lie down or sleep, but that is actually distracting and in a way disrespectful as we are withdrawing our energy from the group. So if you feel too sleepy and
really need to lie down for your own self care, just very quietly withdraw from the circle.

We use a Talking Stone when we sit in Sacred Circle. This can be any object we declare sacred and fitting for the purpose of being handed around. It is picked up from the altar by the woman who starts the sharing and for the entire time she holds it in her hands the group is silent as we listen and gift her space to speak with our full attention. When she has finished we usually acknowledge her sharing by saying: “blessed be” or “thank you.” The Talking Stone is then passed on to the next woman on the right hand side. We keep the stone going around the circle
until all women present have a sense of completion, or for however many rounds fit the timeframe, or have been pre-decided.. The stone is then put back on the altar where it rests until we sit together again.

Of course we aim to be fair and mindful of each other and group size, and do not hold onto the stone too long. Occasionally, with a large group, we may use a bell or other signal for timing.
It is completely fine to not speak when the stone comes our way. Sometimes we are simply not ready to speak or don’t have anything to add yet. So we simply hold the stone for a brief moment to check in, and then pass it on in silence.

• It is very important that we speak from the heart, expressing our own feelings or
• This is not a space to offer advice or comment on another’s sharing.
• We do not interrupt the woman who speaks at any time, even when it is difficult and we feel an urge to respond directly, or want to jump up and hold or comfort her.
• With practice we develop the trust to know that we can “hold “each other safely with our presence and loving attention.

It is not always easy to wait for our turn to hold the stone and speak, but it’s a wonderful way of deepening a heart sharing and practicing a loving form of self discipline.